8th March 2021 – Katrina Naomi and Jinny Fisher

This event will now be held through ZOOM. You can reserve tickets ten days before the date. Please see Home Page for details.Katrina Naomi received an Authors’ Foundation award from the Society of Authors for her third full collection, Wild Persistence, (Seren, June...

11th January 2021 – Tom Sastry and Sarah L. Dixon

This event will now be held through ZOOM. You can reserve tickets ten days before the date. Please see Home Page for details.   Tom Sastry’s debut collection A Man’s House Catches Fire was shortlisted for the 2020 Seamus Heaney Prize and Highly...

2016 open poetry winners

We are delighted to announce the Cafe Writers Poetry Competition Winners 2016 Our judge Andrew McMillan has done sterling work and we have the results for the Café Writers Poetry Competition. Judge’s report and winning poems to follow soon! There were very close...
Kate Fox – 9th Dec 2013

Kate Fox – 9th Dec 2013

Kate Fox has been a regular Poet for Radio 4’s Saturday Live since 2007 and popped up on BBC2’s Daily Politics and Chelsea Flower show coverage as well as at gigs all over the country and Radio 4’s Today programme, Radio 3’s The Verb and many...
IS&T Slanted launch 12th December

IS&T Slanted launch 12th December

’12 Slanted Poems for Christmas’, the new and first anthology from Ink, Sweat & Tears will be launched at The Book Hive on Thursday, December 12, 2013 at 6.30pm With readings from George Szirtes, Julia Webb, Bethany W Pope, Moniza Alvi and Andrea...
Robert Wrigley & Kim Barnes – 11th Nov 2013

Robert Wrigley & Kim Barnes – 11th Nov 2013

Robert Wrigley was born in East St. Louis, Illinois, and grew up not far away in Collinsville, a coal mining town. In 1971, with a draft lottery number of 66, he was inducted into the U.S. Army. After four months of training and duties, he filed for discharge on the...
Matthew Welton – 14th October 2013

Matthew Welton – 14th October 2013

Matthew Welton was born in Nottingham on 3 September 1969, and lives in Nottingham and teaches creative writing at the University of Nottingham. His publications include The Book of Matthew (Carcanet, 2003) and We needed coffee but we’d got ourselves convinced that he...
George Szirtes – 9th Sept 2013

George Szirtes – 9th Sept 2013

George Szirtes is a T S Eliot Prize-winning poet. George was born in Budapest and came to England with his family at the age of eight. He will read from a new collection, Bad Machine, which focuses on the body, poetry emerging from the sudden deaths of his elderly...
Broadcasting – Commission winner

Broadcasting – Commission winner

Andrea has recently finished her new collection Broadcasting which was published (by Gatehouse Press) in April 2013. This book is the result of the Norfolk Commission Award for poetry which Andrea won last year. Since the book focusses on the 1942 requisition of...