Live Literature

Open mic slots every month

Some of the best writing

from around the world

New writing

and professional polish


Second Monday of each month

Café Writers presents to you….monthly readings of poetry and prose of extremely high quality in a relaxed and welcoming atmosphere.   There are also open mic slots every month so do come along and share something of your own.

Meetings are generally held online through Zoom but we are now introducing IN PERSON events. Please look at the programme for details. A link enabling you to book tickets and open mic slots via Eventbrite will appear here about ten days before each event.

Please use the following Eventbrite link to register for a place at our next event featuring Victoria Kennefick and Sue Burge on the 8th of July:

Please click this link to sign up for our Newsletter. We would like to send you News of all our Events and our 2022 Competition:

If you would like to send us a donation, you can do so here through the Paypal link:


When you walk into a room with a living, responsive poetry culture in it, you feel it in the air. Like last night @CafeWriters – Zoom-space feeling house-warmed and human

Philip Gross


Forthcoming events

9th September 2024 Rory Waterman and Pratibha Castle

This event will take place on Zoom. It will begin at 7.30pm. Please book tickets and an open mic slot through the Eventbrite link which will appear on our Home Page around ten days before the date. Rory Waterman's fourth collection, Come Here to This Gate, is...

11th November 2024 Tara Bergin and Sarah Doyle

This event will take place on Zoom. It will begin at 7.30pm. Please book tickets and an Open Mic slot through the Eventbrite link which will appear on our front page about ten days before the date. Tara Bergin is an Irish poet, born in Dublin. She has published three...