Sometimes I love water more than people
I love fat raindrops pocking the pavements like falling gooseberries some days I can’t stop saying petrichor its three syllables so mysteriously right surely Dior was thinking of sunlight on the Seine as he rippled metres of shot silk along the cutting tables of his atelier I love being hydrated dehydrated rehydrated look how sparrows drink then hold their throats to the sky gargle thanks to the clouds how bees sip as if they are meditating on pollen have you noticed how statues gaze over water as if they’ve just spotted a loved one or are dreaming of home how Monet strokes the surface of water to life as if it’s skin I would like to make the ocean my kingdom to rust awhile peaceful forgotten wreck when water loves it will not let you go whispering in ancient languages until you are blinded by salt don’t know up from down I like water to flow have an aversion to ice but love how snow melts on my face a chill baptism I love the curiosity of water its stubborn patience how it underestimates its power to harm though maybe it too has nightmares about flooding and dying glaciers I want to rewild our tapwater savour the grittiness of puddles I love dogs joyful immersion in water-bowls their messy lapping how when they play in water they never ask how deep?
No one sits down to listen. The radio voices its concerns.
Sings a little. It churns on regardless. The radio has a night-
time voice. Is passing on vital information. Is listening to
everybody. Is warm to the touch. The radio howls silently.
Repeats itself. Nobody pays attention. No one. The radio is
offering sound advice, a pulse. I iron my skin, file my
eyebrows. I catch the radio softly arguing with itself, in the
mirror. The radio is on in all the rooms, in the kitchen, all
over the house. The alleged time is very credible. No one
even notices the radio is crying now. The radio plays all night.
I wake up and hear my dreams on the radio. One day, I will
lie down all day and listen to the news. Conduit, sing me a
little lullaby.